Smart Jobb

is committed to ensuring accessibility for persons with disabilities by identifying, removing and preventing the barriers that might interfere with the ability to obtain goods and services provided by Smart Jobb. Smart Jobb strives at all times to provide its goods and services to customers in a way that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities and is committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to benefit from our services in a similar way as other customers. Smart Jobb strives to ensure that every customer receives equitable treatment with respect to goods and services, without discrimination, and receives the accommodation where required.

Please contact Smart Jobb for more information or to provide feedback on the way we provide products and services to customers with disabilities.


Easy to Apply

Employee Profile

Job Seekers Profile

HR & Payroll

Multiple Job Posting

Interview Scheduling

Email Configuration

User Management

Notification & Alerts

Data Security

User Profile Tracking


Analytical Dashboard

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